Q. Why choose a celebrant instead of a registrar for our ceremony?
A. A celebrant-led ceremony allows you the flexibility to hold your ceremony whenever and wherever you choose. A registrar is limited to premises licensed for weddings and will only offer you the choice of three pre-set government scripts!
As an independent celebrant I will create and officiate a truly personal and unique one!
Q. Where can we hold our ceremony?
A. You are only limited by your imagination and the landowner's permission! If there is a space that is significant to you, we can hold it there. You may have a favourite beach, woodland or waterfall or you might feel drawn to hold your ceremony in a stone circle. You could also choose to mark the occasion in your own home or garden. I'm happy to officiate ceremonies anywhere but in caves! (It's a claustrophobia thing!) :-)
Q. When can we hold our ceremony?
A. Just like the song goes..." Winter, spring, summer or fa-ll, all you gotta do is ca-ll, and I'll be there, yes I will..." ;-)
As a celebrant I am not tied to holding ceremonies during normal working hours. If you'd like a ceremony at sunrise, sunset or under the twinkling stars and light of the moon, I'm all for it!
Q. Can we meet you before making our decision?
A. Absolutely! In fact, I would strongly recommend it, so we can get to know each other and see if I "fit" in with your beliefs and expectations. I would say it is best to set aside at least an hour to allow me to learn more about you and your wishes for your ceremony, and ultimately this helps me to write a more personalised ceremony.
It's ideal to talk in person, but we can use a whole host of wonderous technologies such as Skype and Face-Time to initially plan ceremonies! In the end, it's absolutely up to you.
Q. Are you legally allowed to marry us in the UK?
A. Unfortunately, at the moment, it is not possible for celebrants to complete the legalities of your wedding, but that is hopefully going to change in the near future.
For the time being you will now need to register your intent to marry. This must be done in all cases, whether you choose a registrar or celebrant, as it enables the registration service to prepare your legal documentation and record the details of your marriage.
When you attend your legal service, it is worth remembering that you can save your vows and your ring exchanges, along with all other personal details for your Celebrant-led ceremony. It is not a legal requirement to do this when you sign your papers. Just inform the registry office that you would like to do this.
You will be required to take two witnesses and choose one from each of the following legal statements:
Declaratory Words
“I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, AB, may not be joined in matrimony to CD.”
or “I declare that I know of no legal reason why I, AB, may not be joined in marriage to CD.”
Or By replying “I am” to the question “Are you AB free lawfully to marry CD?” ...
Contractual Vows
“I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, AB, do take thee, CD, to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband).”
or “I AB take you CD to be my wedded wife (or husband)”
or “I AB take thee CD to be my wedded wife (or husband)” …
The current (2017) Standard UK Fees Notice of Marriage are £35 per person which are payable to the registration service in which both parties live. You will also need to book the Statutory Ceremony which is £46 (+£4 for your marriage certificate).
You are then free to hold your ceremony wherever and whenever you like!
Your guests need not know that your ceremony led by me doesn't include the legal documentation. This is not a problem as most guests at weddings don't even realise it doesn't include the legal aspect! They will just enjoy the ceremony and remember it for its personal touches.
Q: Can we include elements of different religions and traditions in our ceremony?
A: Of course! That's the joy of having me create your own personalised ceremony. If you have been collecting ideas for your dream ceremony from a young age, or you have come across some ritual ideas that you'd like to incorporate then I will make sure I incorporate them into your ceremony..
Q. Why should we choose you as our celebrant?
A. There are many wonderful celebrants in the world and it's about choosing one that reflects you, your beliefs and wishes.
I promise that I will strive to create a ceremony that is memorable and one you are proud of. I am a perfectionist by nature and would not officiate a ceremony if I was not 100% happy with my script.
I have been told I have a very calming and soothing manner and I hope to use these qualities to reassure you that everything will go according to plan. I enjoy what I do and it shines through my work.
We will work as a team to produce your ceremony script and it is not finished until you tell me it's perfect!
Thank you for considering me as your celebrant!
I look forward to working with you to create your perfect day!